Research Articles

  1. Shang, H. (2013). Continuity and Discontinuity in Evolutionary Patterns. In Journal of Wuhan University (Natural Sciences).
  2. Shang, H. (2015). Dynamics of Low-Dimensional Quadratic Families. ArXiv:2012.14374.
  3. Eitzel, M. V., Fan, C., Solera, J., Mawere Ndlovu, A., Changarara, A., Mhike Hove, E., Shang, H., & Wilson, K. B. (2016). Community resilience and the dynamics of relatedness and residence in a rural Zimbabwean village from 1986 to 2010. Proceedings of the SFI 2015 CSSS.
  4. Shang, H., Daye, M., Sivan, O., Borlina, C. S., Tamura, N., Weiss, B. P., & Bosak, T. (2020). Formation of zerovalent iron in iron-reducing cultures of Methanosarcina barkeri. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(12), 7354–7365.
  5. Shang, H., Rothman, D., & Fournier, G. (2022). Oxidative metabolisms catalyzed Earth’s oxygenation. Nature Communications, 13, 1328.
  6. Shang, H. (2023). A generic hierarchical model of organic matter degradation and preservation in aquatic systems. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 16.
  7. Shang, H. (2023). Mineral evolution facilitated Earth’s oxidation. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 213.
  8. Shang, H. (2023). Dichotomous effects of oxidative metabolisms: A theoretical perspective on the dolomite problem. Global and Planetary Change, 222, 104041.
  9. Shang, H. (2024). Power-law patterns in the Phanerozoic sedimentary records of carbon, oxygen, sulfur, and strontium isotopes. Journal of Palaeogeography, 13(1), 116–126.
  10. Shang, H. (2024). Per-capita change rates of the Phanerozoic Earth-life system exhibited Zipf distributions. Palaeoworld, 33(5), 1170–1178.
  11. Shang, H. (2024). Probing long-lived radioactive isotopes on the double-logarithmic Segrè chart. Frontiers in Chemistry, 12, 1057928.
  12. Shang, H. (2024). Scale-Independent Variation Rates of Phanerozoic Environmental Variables and Implications for Earth’s Sustainability and Habitability. Mathematical Geosciences, 56, 1469–1485.
  13. Shang, H. (2025). Accelerations of the Phanerozoic biogeosystems. Palaeontology, In press.